A Stepping Stone Foundation Blog

So Many Ways to Give

Dear Supporters,


In the next few weeks, no doubt most of you will be bombarded by requests for donations and other forms of support.  I respect that.  Yet, studies tell us time and again that this is the season most donors will give to their favorite causes.

So here goes my plea for your support!

A Stepping Stone Foundation has very intentionally sought out root causes of poverty and illiteracy and addresses them head on:

  • We provide early education because we know ages 0-5 are the most fruitful for a high return on quality investment.  The more we can nurture our youngest children, the better chance they have at being responsible caring adults.
  •  We provide adult education and parenting classes because we value the child’s family as their first and best teachers. Studies show that children whose mothers, in particular, are highly educated are more likely to be educated themselves.
  •  We provide home visiting because we want to cement the lessons learned in preschool and adult classes in the home environment.  We also want a private setting to discuss progress, recognize strengths and plan to help with specific family needs.

Can you help us?  Please visit our donate page to see the many ways you can give.  Don’t forget to scroll down to see what impact your level of donation has upon our children and families.


ED Cindy